Today, at the generous invitation of the Energy Commission of the Engineers Syndicate - Cairo, and during the round table meeting entitled “The future of energy in Egypt in light of new global variables”, with the presence of His Excellency Minister Osama Kamal, former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, His Excellency Minister Sharif Haddarah, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and His Excellency Major General Hisham Abo Senna, President of Cairo Engineers' Syndicate, Dr. Ahmed Sultan, Chairman of the Energy Committee of Cairo Engineers' Syndicate, and several decision makers having influence and enjoying experience in the field of energy; a speech was given about “clean energy at affordable prices” as a sustainable development goal, and the necessity to integrate such SDG into the future studies and to develop a future vision for energy in Egypt 2050, which was followed by signing a cooperation protocol in “Training and Consulting” between the Engineers' Syndicate and the Regional Center for Sustainable Development and Future Foresight Studies, in addition to a memorandum of understanding on carrying out a study entitled #Egypt_Energy_Furture_Foresight_2050.
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